2009 Registration
Registration for the 2009 J-Jamboree is now open:
- $155 ($125 thru 8/24) for US Sailing members
- $170 ($140 thru 8/24) for non-US Sailing members.
Your registration fee includes launch & haul out, post-race beverages, four custom-designed event t-shirts and one ticket to the Saturday night Lobster Bake at the Winnipesaukee Yacht Club; extra dinner tickets and shirts are purchasable online.
You have two ways to register:
- Online via the LWSA storefront, where you can pay via credit card (through PayPal - note that a Paypal account not required!)
- Via this form, with payment by check
If you attended a previous J-Jamboree and signed up online, then you can use the LWSA store account you set up then - and the system can send you your password if you've forgotten it. New registrants will need to sign up for a store account. Contact us if you have any problems at all with the registration process!

Remember: register early! It will really help the event organizers if your registration is sent in as early as possible.